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Wellness Wednesdays

At Epigram, we understand that mental health may sometimes take priority over work. We support our employees to take time for themselves, and to speak up if they are struggling.
We recently started a ‘Wellness Wednesdays’ initiative to help remind our team to take breaks and to celebrate the different creative ways we like to unwind!
For instance, we have run a workshop on crochet therapy, learnt about the importance of good posture, and decorated our own gingerbread houses in the run up to Christmas!
While we recognise that wellness activities are not a cure-all for mental health conditions, we are always looking for ways to support our employees and to show our openness around such issues, encouraging a supportive atmosphere at work.

Office photo of a work colleague laughing
A mockup of a presentation for the MBC (Mindful Business Charter)

Mindful Business Charter

Epigram are proud members of the Mindful Business Charter, an organisation founded by law firms, including one of our own clients, to identify and reduce unnecessary stress in the workplace, and promote better mental health as a result.
Working in a fast paced environment where deadlines are often urgent can indeed be stressful, so we have been working with the MBC framework to analyse our own processes and put measures in place to streamline how we work. This includes providing less wordy briefing forms to clients, ensuring meeting times are accurate and don’t overrun, and tweaking our handover techniques to only include key information.
As a result of our involvement with the MBC, a number of our team have also attended training to become mental health first aiders, and we have created an internal wellness hub to house key information and resources about reducing stress.

The importance of the MBC’s aims are key in maintaining a healthy work-life balance for our team, and for opening up conversations about workplace stress with our clients, many of whom are also members of the organisation.

Giving back to 
the community

At Epigram, we are committed to using our skills and resources to give back to the community. Recently, we conducted career sessions at the University of Salford and University College Birmingham, providing students with valuable insights into the design industry. By sharing our expertise, we aim to empower the next generation of designers.
We also collaborated with Haverley Hay Community School, designing table wraps for their outdoor benches to create vibrant and engaging spaces for students. Additionally, our pro-bono work for foundations and charities, such as The Cheshire Community Foundation, helps these organisations amplify their efforts and reach a broader audience.
Giving back allows us to connect with the community, understand their needs, and make a positive impact. Through these initiatives, we enhance both our community and our own lives, fostering a culture of generosity and support.

An image of our CEO Susan presenting to the students at University College Birmingham
An image of Epigram's office space with the Epigram logo on the wall.


Celebrating diversity is a defining part of Epigram’s cultural identity. We embrace our colleagues cultural differences, celebrating religious holidays including Eid, Vesak and Christmas, and our Malaysian and UK teams continuously learn from one another.
We foster a collaborative culture where every team member's unique perspective and expertise are valued. Embracing diversity as our strength, we form a supportive community built on respect and understanding. Together, we celebrate successes and support each other through challenges.
As a female founded business, supporting women in leadership roles is very important to us at Epigram, and we aim to always give an equal voice to everyone in the room. Pride is also an occasion that many of our colleagues connect with, and we are delighted that our team feel comfortable enough with each other to be their true selves in the workplace.

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